Shadow Cabinet

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The Official Opposition Shadow Cabinet, or His Majesty’s Most Loyal Opposition Shadow Cabinet, but usually simply the Shadow Cabinet, is the committee of senior members of the Official Opposition who scrutinise the work of the Cabinet of the United Kingdom. Each Shadow Cabinet member is typically given a position which corresponds to that of a government minister in Cabinet. Shadow Cabinet members, known as Shadow Ministers, are usually appointed by the Leader of the Opposition (currently TheBritishUnion). The role of a Shadow Minister is to develop alternative policies, hold the government to account for its actions and responses, and act as spokespeople for the opposition party in their own specific policy areas. By convention, Shadow Ministers are either serving members of the House of Commons or the House of Lords, with most chosen from the former. Since September 2023, the Unionist Party has been the Official Opposition, and its leadership therefore forms the current Shadow Cabinet.

Current Shadow Cabinet

His Majesty's Most Loyal Opposition Shadow Cabinet
Shadow Minister
Office(s) Shadows
Shadow Cabinet ministers
TheBritishUnion?size=100x100&.png TheBritishUnion
MP for Strathclyde
Leader of the Opposition Prime Minister
Drac710?size=100x100&.png Drac710
MP for Lothian
Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer

Opposition Deputy Chief Whip in the House of Commons
Chancellor of the Exchequer

Government Deputy Chief Whip in the House of Commons
sasijul?size=100x100&.png sasijul
MP for Gloucestershire
Shadow Secretary of State for the Home Department Secretary of State for the Home Department
JosephChurchill?size=100x100&.png JosephChurchill
MP for Belfast
Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs
GoldyyDev?size=100x100&.png GoldyyDev
MP for Norfolk
Shadow Leader of the House of Commons Leader of the House of Commons
TommyIslington?size=100x100&.png TommyIslington
MP for Finchley
Shadow Secretary of State for Justice Secretary of State for Justice
HRHFunkyMonkey?size=100x100&.png HRHFunkyMonkey
MP for Somerset
Shadow Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport

Opposition Chief Whip in the House of Commons
Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport

Government Chief Whip in the House of Commons
Shadow Ministers who also attend Shadow Cabinet
NotableFeed?size=100x100&.png NotableFeed
MP for Sussex
Shadow Attorney General for England and Wales Attorney General for England and Wales
RaphaelDRothschild?size=100x100&.png RaphaelDRothschild
MP for Portsmouth
Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury Chief Secretary to the Treasury