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Use {{pad}} to insert a horizontally padding HTML <span> inline. The template takes one unnamed parameter; a width value specified in px, em or ex (other CSS units – in, cm, pc, pt – are supported as well, but not recommended, typically at 96dpi conversion ratio). The default is 1 em.

The result is the specified padding followed by an &nbsp; (non-breaking space – at 100% font size (8pt), typically 3px wide in narrow fonts like Arial and Tahoma, 4px in wider fonts like Arial Black and Verdana).


Indenting by 50 pixels plus an &nbsp; (53px in Arial):

  • Indenting 50px causes<br />{{pad|50px}}this amount of space.


  • Indenting 50px causes
     this amount of space.

Width of a typical year-range in Arial font (4.8em plus an &nbsp;):

  • 1492–1540 Exploration by<br />{{pad|4.8em}}Columbus & others.


  • 1492–1540 Exploration by
     Columbus & others.

This is better produced by:

  • 1492–1540 Exploration by<br/>{{hidden text|1492–1540}} Columbus & others.

Which produces:

  • 1492–1540 Exploration by
    1492–1540 Columbus & others

However, some digits supposedly require less space:

  • 1111–1117 Exploration by<br />{{pad|4.4em}}Explorer Bob.


  • 1111–1117 Exploration by
     Explorer Bob.

But actually not:

  • 1111–1117 Exploration by<br/>{{hidden text|9999–9999}} Explorer Bob.


  • 1111–1117 Exploration by
    9999–9999 Explorer Bob.

Spacing is, of course, different between fonts, too:

  • This is text 0123456789 in Arial
     and this is indented by 100px + 1 &nbsp;
     and this is indented by 9em + 1 &nbsp;
  • This is text 0123456789 in Times New Roman
     and this is indented by 100px+ 1 &nbsp;
     and this is indented by 9em + 1 &nbsp;
  • This is text 0123456789 in Arial Black
     and this is indented by 100px + 1 &nbsp;
     and this is indented by 9em + 1 &nbsp;
  • This is text 0123456789 in Lucida Console
     and this is indented by 100px+ 1 &nbsp;
     and this is indented by 9em + 1 &nbsp;

Note: 1em is typically 11.2px at 100% font size (8 point), 21.3px at 200% font size (16 point), and 32px at 300% font size (24pt).

See also

Lua error: bad argument #2 to 'find' (string expected, got nil).